(269) 447-1432 info@bmcropconsulting.com

Missy Bauer, Farm Journal Associate Field Agronomist, joined the Farm Journal Test Plots program in January 2010. The test plots, where she conducts her research, cover nearly 2,000 acres annually focusing on corn and soybeans.  She coordinates the research test plots in Michigan, Indiana, and Ohio while working closely with Ken Ferrie (Farm Journal Agronomist) on the Illinois test plots.  Farm Journal brings many test plot partners to the program providing equipment and products to allow the independent plots.  Missy also works together with the Michigan Soybean Promotion Committee on some specific soybean research plots. With the help of B&M Crop’s staff, plot partners and many growers we are able to plant, apply treatments, collect data, do picture evaluations, and harvest for many corn and soybean plots.

Test Plots:


Smart Firmer – Row Cleaner, Planting Depth, & VRA Population Evaluation

  • Multi-Hybrid and VRA Population
  • Population by Hybrid Evaluation
  • Hybrid Plant Architecture Evaluation
  • Soil Density & Tillage

Harvest Timing Study

Sulfur and Phosphorus In-season Timing and Placement Including YDrop

  • Nitrogen Timing and Placement 
  • Nitrogen Y-Drop Additives 
  • Nitrogen Rate Study


Michigan Soybean Promotion Committee (MSPC) Research Plots

  • Soybean Cyst Nematode and Sudden Death Syndrome Management with Ilevo Seed Treatment and Genetics
  • Evaluating Sulfur Products and Timing in Soybeans by Management Zones

ILEVO Soybean Cyst/SDS Seed Treatment

Sulfur AMS & KMag Study

Sulfur AMS Fertilizer Study – No Fall Spread Fertilizer

Sulfur AMS Fertilizer Study – Fall Spread Fertilizer

Soybean Planting Date & Planting Date with Fungicide Applications

Soybean Ultra Early Plant Date 

White Mold Fungicide Comparison

Soybean Plant Growth Regulators (PGR), Fungicide, and High Management